This CD contains a wealth of software -- some free, some demo, and some shareware. All are meant to make QuarkXPress work even better. Some are XTensions that enhance QuarkXPress directly, while others are stand-alone utilities that you will use before or after QuarkXPress.
Free software is exactly that: free. You may use it at no charge. (You may not sell it to others, however. And you must get permission for the software's authors to redistribute it, even if you distribute at no charge.)
Demo software is meant to be used on a trial basis, so you can see if you like it. If you do, you should buy the full version, usually available in stores and mail-order catalogs in a version that includes documentation and a CD or set of disks. Most demo software does one of three things to ensure that people don't use demo software instead of purchasing the retail product:
• Cripple QuarkXPress so documents created with the demo software can't be opened by other users (unless they have the retail software installed).
• Provide limited functionality until you purchase the demo version.
• Expire after a certain number of days of usage.
Shareware is meant to be used on a trial basis, so you can see if you like it. If you do, you should buy the full version, usually available by sending in a registration fee and getting a code that converts the shareware into a fully functioning version or getting a fully functioning version on disk mailed to you. Most shareware does one of three things to ensure that people don't use shareware instead of purchasing the full product:
• Cripple QuarkXPress so documents created with the demo software can't be opened by other users (unless they have the retail software installed).
• Provide limited functionality until you purchase the demo version.
• Expire after a certain number of days of usage.
Please pay for and register any demo software or shareware that you use regularly. It's fine to use these programs without paying while you're figuring out if they would really help you, but once you decide they are worthwhile, please support the companies and individuals who created the software so they can afford to create even better software in the future. We make it easy or you to know what software is free and what is not by adding the price at the end of the folder name, or the word FREE. The word DEMO means that the price is based on a site license or other variable basis.
How to Install the Software
Installing the CD's software is easy. First, insert the CD into your Mac. The CD will automatically display on your desktop like an floppy disk or hard disk.
For most XTensions, just drag the XTension file into the XTensions folder in your hard disk's QuarkXPress program folder. The next time you open QuarkXPress, the XTension will be launched as well.
Some XTensions require that you run an installation program, as do most of the utilities. Just double-click the installation icon and follow the on-screen instructions.
Quick Tour of the Software
The CD's offerings are organized by several folders, to help you more easily navigate the contents. Each folder has a different label color as well.
Product Catalogs
All the product catalogs require the free Adobe Acrobat 3.0 Reader, which is included in this folder. We highlight two companies' catalogs because they provided much of the software on the CD -- XT-now and Extensis. In the Other Companies folder are catalogs for A Lowly Apprentice Production, World-Wide Power Company, and XChange.
QuarkXPress Utilities
Several utilities enhance QuarkXPress even though they are not plug-in XTensions. These are covered in Chapter 27.
Repetitive Stress Avoidance
Macworld Magazine created this animated tour of how to use input devices in a way that greatly reduces the chance of repetitive strain injury (RSI), a debilitating condition caused by improper use of mice or other input devices, improper layout of computer equipment and office furniture, and improper posture.
Scripting Tools
QuarkXPress's scripting functions are very powerful, and with the right tools, you can create scripts that will automate much of your routine work. We provide three scripting tools to help you write such scripts, all of which are covered in Chapter 26.
We also provide a sample script called Raise Trademark Symbols written by Quark's Kelly Anton that you can use to make trademarks look better when printed or as an example script from which to start learning how to script yourself.
To help make your Mac work a little better as a publishing platform, we've included several general utilities (they are not QuarkXPress-specific). Chapter 28 covers them.
Web Authoring Tools
Producing documents for the Web is fast becoming another facet of regular publishing, so we offer three XTensions that convert QuarkXPress into a Web-publishing tool. Chapters 33 through 35 cover these tools in depth:
We also provide a QuarkXPress document, called Web-Safe Colors, that contains the definitions for every color guaranteed to display accurately on the Web. When creating Web documents, import your colors from this document to get perfect color.
QuarkXPress's plug-in capability has opened the door for an incredible array of XTensions that add functionality to QuarkXPress. We've canvassed the Web and XTension catalogs to get a broad sample of 50 useful XTensions, all of which are covered in Chapter 27.